
"What differentiates sellers today is their ability to bring fresh ideas."


Artistic Triangle

Picking and editing down to the right products based on your open-to-buy and assortment plans is a true art, and where many retailers shine.

Called the silent sellers, your window, wall, table . and mannequin displays tell the story that links your purchases and promotional strategy together.

All channels of outreach shouting out your perspective on the edited product assortment and the stories you’re telling this season. 

Great Retail Presentations

Tell the Story

Your perspective on the best the market has to offer for this specific moment of the season.  What are you and your team talking about today/this week/ this month?  Is that a new vendor, new product trend, event, or promotion?

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They Are

The Silent Sellers

That so inspire your customers that they simply must buy.

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Less Is More

What may finish with the art and finesse of finding amazing products Your customers won’t see anywhere else and editing them down to the most important story you want to tell that month in the store, actual begins with the science of great merchandise and assortment plans.

Great presentations are

Art &


Tell The Story Every Day




Let the experts handle the forecasting, analysis, and provide the guidance you need. Do what you love.
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Assortment Planning

Both an art and science starts with a semi-annual by vendor by class in-depth analysis. Start your next market off by knowing just what you need to spend with each vendor.
Why use an Assortment Plan

Marketing &


Establishing an 8 Month Marketing Plan

Weaving purchasing, presentation, and marketing together. Enjoy the relief of having a plan with assigned associate tasks
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