Retail is evolving

With our support & expertise, your store could be too! Join the growing number of shop owners choosing a new way forward:


It's always a remarkable step forward to take the actions that allow you to focus on your passion.

What Would You Like To Improve Today?

I really want to

grow my monthly cash-on-hand balance.

You work hard for every penny you earn.

Struggling with a low cash balance at the beginning of the month makes getting products in the door and meeting payroll a challenge. I've worked with clients for years, helping them increase their cash-on-hand balance using a twelve-month, forward-looking cash flow forecast. It's been such an essential part of their business success that I knew I had to develop a self-directed tool that would allow them to make sound business decisions. And, this new application just came to fruition.
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I really want to

understand more about what's driving my current business, and what performs best seasonally throughlut the year.

Know Your Business

Having the right analytics at your fingertips can make the difference between good and bad buying decisions or the right marketing focus. Knowing what is essential to review before that trip to Market, what needs to be assessed before placing reorders, or what classifications should be the focus of your upcoming marketing campaigns can be challenging. Providing relevant analytics to clients over many years it became apparent how challenging it can be for the independent retailer to get the business intelligence they need.
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I could use expert advice

on multiple topics, such as improving associate performance, business assessments, assortment planning, hiring, training, and operational best practices.

Professional Growth

Many clients begin their retail store ownership with little experience, while many have worked in retail but may not have the full suite of knowledge needed to run and buy for a store. That's where we come in. Having run stores large and small and with extensive buying experience, there is little we can't help you conquer.
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I'd like to always own

the right amount of inventory at the right time, and in the right class.

It's a balancing act

Owning the right amount of stock each month to hit your forecasted sales takes planning. Using the best-in-class inventory management and open-to-buy plans available to the independent retailer, I've guided retailers to align their inventory levels by class to exceed their plan while maintaining cash flow and profitability.
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Cash Flow Retail Analytics Inventory Management Open-To-Buy Assortments Coaching

We've Got a Plan for that!

Email us your questions.
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Why Us?

Leveraging decades of experience in corporate buying and store management, I’ve made it my mission to help independent retailers work smarter, not harder!  I say,

     “Why does this have to be so hard?”

Want to learn more about how we can help you improve your business?  Let’s Chat!  

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